Anti-Spam Policy

January 20th, 2021

Buzz360 has a zero-tolerance policy for text and email message spam.

Buzz360 Definition of SMS and Email Spam

We consider any unwanted SMS and Email message as spam. 

Report Abuse Buzz360

To report any abuse or violations of inappropriate use of our service, please contact us. We take abuse reports very seriously and will immediately terminate a group’s account if they are found to be in violation of our Anti-Spam Policy.

Report Spam To Buzz360

To report any abuse, violations or inappropriate use of Buzz360, please contact us immediately. Buzz360 takes abuse reports very seriously and will immediately investigation and terminate campaigns that are found to be in violation of our Anti-Spam Policy.  If you need additional help unsubscribing from an campaign, please contact us

Buzz360 SMS and Email Anti-Spam Policy Enforcement

Buzz360 has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to SMS spam. If we suspect that an SMS campaign is in violation of our Anti-Spam Policy, we will terminate that campaign immediately.