Thinking of Running for CD3 Executive Office?

Emma Brown


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Delegates and alternates elected to represent their BPOUs across the 3rd Congressional District will meet in our annual CD3 Convention on Saturday, April 29.

An overview of the convention can be found on the CD3 MN GOP website.

One of the primary reasons for calling the convention is to elect the CD3 Executive Officers. These officers are the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven (7) Vice Chairs.

The current officers have committed to an ambitious plan to improve the election outcomes in our district. They have adopted a strategic plan and are each leading the execution of a key area of that plan, including:

•  Party infrastructure building and growth

•  Collaboration with community organizations

•  Local candidate/campaign training & support

•  Outreach

•  Event planning and support

•  Communications & messaging

•  Fundraising

Going forward, the executive officers will be expected to reach out to the CD3 senate district leadership, to help recruit and engage local volunteers in pursuit of these objectives.

CLICK HERE and use the form at the bottom of the page if you would like to be a part of the CD3 leadership team and run for an Executive Officer position at the April 29 convention.  A representative of the Candidate Interview Committee will reach out and schedule an interview.  The deadline for candidate submissions is April 15.

The Constitution of the Third Congressional District Republican Party of Minnesota provides a top-level description of the roles and responsibilities of the CD3 executive officers in Articles IV and V. In accordance with the CD3 Constitution (Article IV, Section 1):

•  The Chair shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Republican Party within the Third District

•  The Deputy Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair, in the absence of the Chair, and be responsible for duties as may be assigned by the Chair

•  The seven Vice Chairs shall serve as liaisons between the Third District and the BPOUs to which they are assigned, and shall also perform such duties as may be designated by the Executive Committee

•  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Third District Executive Committee and Full Committee meetings, and shall prepare and send all meeting notices

•  The Treasurer shall receive, keep and be responsible for all funds of the Third Congressional District Republican party, and shall keep complete and accurate records and accounts of the receipts and disbursement of such funds. The Treasurer shall disburse such funds as authorized by the Third District Executive Committee.

The CD3 Executive Committee will at least meet monthly to report on implementation plans and progress. Many of these meetings will include CD3 Full Committee, representing the leadership of the CD3 senate districts.

If you have any questions, please contact either Randy Sutter (952-835-8917) or Jeff Vold (574-370-4034)


One of the primary reasons for calling the CD3 convention this year is to elect the Congressional District Executive Officers. These officers are the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven (7) Vice Chairs.

The current officers have committed to an ambitious plan to improve the election outcomes in our district. They have adopted a strategic plan and are each leading the execution of a key area of that plan.