CD3 Convention Agenda - 2024

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Invocation
  4. Reading of the Convention Call
  5. Election of Temporary Convention Chair
  6. Election of Temporary Convention Secretary
  7. Appointment of Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms & Tellers
  8. Authorization of committees on Rules, Credentials, , Constitution & Bylaws, and Nominations.
  9. Preliminary Report of the Credentials Committee
  10. Motion to adopt Rule 5.b, to seat Alternates
  11. Filling vacancies in delegations
  12. Motion to make Temporary Organization Permanent
  13. Final Report of the Credentials Committee
  14. Report of the Rules Committee
  15. Report of Nominations Committee for Congressional Candidates
  16. Endorsement of Congressional Candidate
  17. Report of Nominations Committee for National Convention Delegates
  18. Election of National Convention Delegates and Alternates
  19. Report of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee
  20. Report of Nominations Committee for CD3 Presidential Elector
  21. Election of CD3 Presidential Elector
  22. Report of the Resolutions Committee
  23. Other business
  24. Adjournment  

Remarks by Republican officeholders, Party dignitaries, and candidates will be inserted at the discretion of the Convention Chair.