News from our Representative in 52B

If District 52 residents desire a window into the type of leadership they’re getting in St. Paul, look no further than Rep. Bianca Virnig’s Feb. 7 email newsletter. Virnig’s email was all the evidence you need that she represents the Democatic party machine, not District 52.

Virnig gleefully reports that a power-sharing agreement has been reached in St. Paul, and as a bonus it’s “what Democrats have been seeking all along.” In other words, the DFL got their way, now they’ll return to work. Bianca Virnig’s response to a slight power shift in St. Paul was to bring the legislative process to a screeching halt. We’ve heard a lot lately about threats to democracy. This would seem to qualify.

Virnig says “I’ve been working hard in our district over the past few weeks, and I’m excited to bring that work back to the State Capitol.” This sounds noble, but any constituent who contacted Virnig during the stalemate knows what it means: Our representative didn’t legislate, she held meetings. Anyone who works in business knows that while meetings have their place, it’s the work that occurs outside them that matters. This work was conspicuously absent from Bianca Virnig’s itinerary the past month.

Virnig closes her email by saying “I will do everything in my power to protect people from the chaos, cruelty, and incompetence coming out of the Trump Administration.” Let’s examine recent Minnesota history:

Washington is chaotic, cruel, and incompetent? The biblical admonition comes to mind: remove the plank from your own eye before addressing the splinter in your neighbor’s.

Virnig closes her email by encouraging constituents to contact her with their own priorities and concerns. It’s incumbent on every Republican resident of District 52 to politely but firmly do just that.

Mark your calendar: Reps. Virnig (52A) and Liz Reyer (52B) and Attorney General Keith Ellison host a town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 6 p.m. at the Eagan Community Center board room. RSVP here. Let’s remind Virnig, Reyer, and Ellison that Republicans deserve a voice in District 52 and the state of Minnesota.

Prepared and paid for by the 52nd Senate District RPM, PO Box 211607, Eagan, MN 55121.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.