Meet our Republican Candidates for the CD2 Congressional Seat

The Republican Congressional District 2 (CD2) convention this spring will endorse a candidate to run in the fall election to unseat six-year incumbent Democrat, Angie Craig. Tayler Rahm and Joe Teirab are the Republican candidates attending events throughout the district trying to earn your support. Get to know them by visiting their websites by clicking the buttons above their pictures.

Want to have a vote in which candidate wins the Republican endorsement to face off with Angie Craig? Follow these three steps:

1) Attend your Precinct Caucus on Tuesday, 2/27, and get elected as a precinct delegate to your BPOU Convention.
2) At your BPOU Convention run to be elected as a CD2 delegate.
3) Use your vote as a Delegate to decide which candidate to ENDORSE to be the Republican candidate.

Our Scott County Republicans hosted a debate for the candidates on January 18th.  Alpha News has a detailed summary of the discussion here.
This CD2 election will be the most competitive congressional race in Minnesota and at the national level it is critical that we return this seat to a Republican to help strengthen a Republican majority in the US House of Representatives. Minnesotans certainly know the damage that a Democrat "trifecta" can produce.
Please be involved in this year's election - remember that voting will be open early and that you have the option to get an absentee ballot.

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