Time-of-Sale (TOS) Housing Inspection Program

April 1, 2020


The City Council recently passed an amended Time of Sale Housing (TOS) and means that now TOS inspections will be conducted mainly by the City of Bloomington employees. If after 48 hours, a city inspector is not available then the city moves to a city-approved list contracted evaluators. Despite pleas from the current independent Inspector community, as well as the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors, the council ignored residents and the professionals who support them in the sale of their homes


We are already seeing an increase in staffing1 to cover these services. The more than 40 independent, inspectors and appraisers were already competing on both price and fast service.


Now a homeowner risks waiting on the city to get a home inspection, potentially putting the sale of their home in jeopardy. Once again, the free market lost, and the city won. Additionally, taxpayers will have the increased expense of additional city employees.


CONTACT our Council and voice your displeasure at this change in TOS inspections. Be sure to have your email noted as part of the public record by writing to the Council Secretary (see below). Emails to individual Council members may be deleted by them and not retained as part of the public record).

Email: council@bloomingtonmn.gov

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