Organics Recycling Monthly Charges Begin Soon – Whether You Like It or Not

March 25, 2022

Property owners will soon see a monthly $5.50 charge for organics recycling on their Utility bill – whether or not this service is used. There is no option to opt in or opt out. Hennepin County is not requiring participation – only that the service is made available to residents.

Next trash pick-up day, survey your neighborhood and see how few of your neighbors are actually using organics bins. It will be eye-opening.  Just another example of this City Council centralizing "services", subsequently eliminating choice and control over our own household budgets. 

The organics program requires another truck in our neighborhoods. Ironically, one of the arguments for centralized trash collection was that it would cut down on the number of trucks traveling on our streets and through our neighborhoods.  

Learn more

Questions or comments?

Call Utility Billing (952) 563-8726

© 2022  Published by Residents for a Better Bloomington, MN