Parents Teaching their Children

Book Banning?  Hardly.  CALL TO ACTION

August 14th was an ISD #271 School Board listening session.  The theme of the night were the many concerned parents and grandparents who are objecting to the  sexually explicit books that are in our school libraries regardless of content and age appropriateness.   The explicit content of these books was read aloud by several parents as an illustration of what the obscenity and pornographic details that have been found in the Bloomington school libraries.  You can listen to the previous listening session for yourself here.

Perhaps the most disturbing comments came from our Mayor's brother, Cory Busse a graduate of St. John's.   You can listen to him here and decide for yourself. 

As of today, Sunday September 10, 2023,  Cory and friends have mounted a campaign of over 100 letters to the School Board  to portray the objection to these books as "book banning" and that removing these books is a violation of the first amendment, freedom of speech.

Book Banning:   A banning of books would not allow any books to be read at all anywhere.  

As a previous school board candidate stated:

"We don't allow kids to drink alcohol under age - we aren't banning drinks.
We don't allow kids to buy fireworks - we aren't banning the 4th of July.
We don't allow kids to ride a motorbike above 125cc - we aren't banning bikes.
We don't allow kids to buy cigarettes - we aren't banning shopping.
We don't allow kids to play 18+ video games - we aren't banning video games.
We don't allow kids to get a tattoo, buy a lottery ticket, watch an R-rated movie, get a piercing, gamble... because those things can harm children.

We shouldn't allow kids access to books with porn in school libraries - that's not banning books. It's protecting kids. That's our job!"

 First Amendment Rights:

 In Miller v California 413 U.S. 15 (1973),  it was found that obscenity and pornography  - that which lacks "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value " have no expectation of privledged protection under the first amendment.  Out of this case arose what is known as the Miller Test.  

According to the Miller Test, a 1973 Supreme Court decision, Miller vs. California, the sale and distribution of obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment. The Miller Test has been the standard used for defining obscenity in our court system for several years. What school leaders are revealing is their own depravity that they do not believe that pornography, pedophilia and sexual violence are obscene.   1


As it has come to the attention of Bloomington residents that there are inappropriate sexually explicit books and graphic novels in Bloomington Public Schools, many have spoken up and have requested that these materials be removed.   However, there is an opposing side that perceives this as book banning, a war on free speech and hate toward the LGBT community by Moms for Liberty. Their claims are completely false, but the exposure and move to evaluate these media center items needs to be addressed. Now is the time to stand up and speak for decency and protecting innocent minors from what has been unvetted and placed on book shelves. Media Center Specialists have not either not done their due diligence or have intentionally chosen books without wisdom.

  • If you are interested in writing a letter in support of removing these items you can contact School Board Members at  
  • If you are interested in attending listening sessions to speak on the issue, meetings are the 2nd Monday of the Month at 6:00 – 6:45pm.  Tomorrow Sept 11th
  • To speak at the listening session, call Deb Bunkholt
    Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board
    952-681-6402 or email by NOON of the day of the Listening Session. You are encouraged to sign up the week before to reserve a spot before all slots are taken.
  • If you speak, you will be allotted 3 minutes, so come prepared.
  • For more information about the materials, contact PFABB

Another resource:

Academics Over Agendas: Involvement Is The Key - 

Panel Discussion    Tuesday   January 17, 2023  Hillside Church Sanctuary  4300 W 98th St. 55437 6:30 PM   All are welcome.

January  7, 2023

Parents need to reclaim their rightful place in their children's education. EVERY parent has the right to play an active part in ALL aspects of their children's development, more importantly their learning experiences.

Parent's roles have been stolen from them by teacher's unions and the administrative state. They have even been labeled nationally as "terrorists" when they rise up to protect their children from harm.

Many children are now feeling marginalized, threatened by grading and societal consequences and intimated into thinking like the prevailing "group".  They may not share their feelings with their parents or encourage their parents to get involved on their behalf because of this intimidation.  No child should feel this way. What children are enduring is just another form of bullying from adults with an "agenda." Then again, many just are desensitized to this agenda driven indoctrination. 

Complacency is not an option. Make your voice heard.

SQualls Headshot

Sheila Qualls will join us as moderator of a panel on our school systems and parental involvement for RFABB. You can read her most recent article here: An Open Letter to Somali Americans.  It applies to all of us.

Sheila Qualls is a reporter for Alpha News. Alpha News is Minnesota’s largest conservative news outlet. She covers hard hitting issues affecting education in Minnesota and has extensively reported on the dangers of Critical Race Theory and gender ideology in local schools. She writes to give parents a voice in the echo chamber of public education.

She is also the editor of The Washington Perspective, a TakeCharge publication. Prior to joining Alpha News, Sheila was an award-winning journalist and former civilian editor of an Army newspaper. Most recently, she was a Christian Marriage and Family columnist at and a personal coach. She blogged as the Not So Excellent Wife and addressed issues of faith and family. Her work has been published in the Star Tribune, the Christian Post, MOPS blog, Scary Mommy, the Power of Moms, The Upper Room, and Grown and Flown. She speaks nationally on issues involving faith and family.

Cristine Trooien is the founder of Minnesota Parents Alliance.   Cristine is a homeschool parent of children ages 8, 8 and 5. 

"At the start of 2020 I did not foresee myself homeschooling my children, much less starting a statewide education and parental rights advocacy organization. I have little to no background, education or training in doing so. I am simply passionate about being an action-taker and using my time and talents to serve and make a difference when and where I can. I am also a firm believer that children deserve long, inspired childhoods with high-quality education and the opportunity to grow physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually without being the target of political and social agendas. Once I started examining the past, present and likely future of the K-12 education system, I recognized how dire the situation is and felt called to organize a grassroots effort to reclaim our schools. THE only way to get our schools back on track is with organized, engaged parents. No one else can or will fight more fiercely or relentlessly for the future of their children. No experience necessary"

MPA was designed to help parents who want to be involved in their children's education, do so with resources they need.  MPA partners with parents and other organizations like RFABB in support of academic achievement over agendas.

Bonnie Gasper Headshot

Bonnie Gasper is a Vice-Chair of the Child Protection League.  Bonnie is a working professional in the print and promotional industry. She has written extensively about moral issues as understood through a biblical worldview.  She has been involved in educational issues for 23 years and frequently writes about cultural issues, legislation and curricula. CPL is focused on the welfare of our children protecting them from indoctrination and exploitation and violence. Bonnie and her husband Tom have three children and reside in Minnesota.

Beth Beebe currently serves as a an At-Large Bloomington School Board member since 2017 who has repeatedly committed herself to the equal education of our children.  Beth is a Minnesota native and has raised her now grown sons in Bloomington with husband John since 2000. Beth holds degrees in both Social Work and Elementary Education. Recently, Beth ran for 50B State House. Some of her educational concerns can be found on the Excellence in Education section of her campaign website.


Burnsville School Board
Members of the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Board of Education at a Nov. 10 meeting. (ISD 191/YouTube) - Alpha News

Burnsville Public Schools Marginalize Parents. Is Bloomington Next?

December 10, 2022

Burnsville public schools have fallen prey to the destructive gender ideology fad spreading in schools across America. Worst of all, Burnsville public school’s new gender/transgender policy allows teachers to promote gender transitioning to young students without notifying parents that their child has chosen to self-identify as one of over 75 different genders and change the preferred pronouns by which others must address them at school. Experts: Burnsville district can now conceal students' gender identity from parents - Alpha News

Gender ideology is an unscientific, politically motivated indoctrination of young students starting as early as kindergarten. This radical ideology essentially strives to marginalize parental rights and replace parent’s traditional family cultural and religious values.

Powerful political forces are behind the push for gender ideology including the two national teachers unions and Minnesota’s Education Minnesota teachers union. Unfortunately, despite falling test scores in too many schools, the teachers union leaders are putting self-serving political indoctrination before education. Many teachers are opposed to gender ideology in our schools but are afraid to speak out against their union leaders.

To their credit, gay rights advocates recognize that schools promoting gender ideology is the equivalent of grooming young people for sexual exploitation. Gay rights advocates explain that gender activists have hijacked the gay rights movement by inappropriately piggybacking off of the gay rights movement in order to promote gender/transgender ideology. About | Gays Against Groomers

Is Bloomington next? Parents, grandparents and concerned citizens must let the Bloomington Public School Board and Bloomington Public School officials know that tolerance for destructive gender/transgender ideology has no place in our community’s schools before more young kids are irreparably harmed.

Complacency is not an option. Make your voice heard.

Contact the Bloomington Public School Board at:

Contact the Bloomington Public School Superintendent Dr. Melbye at:

Superintendent Eric Melbye


Contact the Bloomington Public School Assistant Superintendent Dr. Mitchler at:

Assistant Superintendent Jenna Mitchler

Contact the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board Deb Bunkholdt at:


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