October 14 Full Committee Meeting Call

October 4, 2024

SD 50 Republicans LogoSD 50 Republicans
Call to Full Committee Meeting
October 14, 2024
You are officially called to attend a meeting of the Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee on Monday, October 14, 2024. The meeting will be held at the following location: 

9855 West 78th Street, Lower Level Event Center

Eden Prairie, Minnesota

The doors will open at 6:00 PM with the meeting starting at 6:15 PM. 

The purpose of the meeting is to confirm two Executive Committee members: 

Joel Quinnell (Vice-Chair / SD50A)

Zavier Bicott (Vice-Chair / SD50B)

The Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee consists of 

Senate District Officers

Members of the Senate District Executive Committee

Chairs/Co-Chairs (maximum two) of each Precinct within SD50

Members of the Republican State and Third and Fifth Congressional District Executive Committees who reside in SD50

Immediate past Co-Chairs of the Senate District

Featured Speaker is National Committeeman AK Kamara.

Thanks for your support. 

Teri Hovanec (SD50 Co-Chair) and Sarah Knapp (SD50 Co-Chair)