Conservative News 
of the Metro Twin Cities

Published by SD 50 Republicans, RPM
Issue 6                                                                                            October 2024

In This Issue:

Ways You Can Help Conservatives WIN This Election
Election Judges Needed in Bloomington & Minneapolis
Protect the Vote: Train to be a Poll Challenger
Get to Know Bob Gust
Personal Update from Owen Michaelson
Letter endorsing 50A Michaelson
Convention Call for SD 50 Full Committee Meeting
SD 50 Events
SD 50 On the Road
Photos from Tailgate Party & Chili Cook Off

Ways You Can Help:

Help Robert  "Bob" Gust in Bloomington

Ways to Help Bob:

1. Request a Yard Sign and display in your yard

2. Join the team for a lit drop on October 19, 2024.  Meet at Mugshots Coffee Shop at 10518 France Ave S between 1-2 PM.  Literature can be picked up, and you can drop off that day or in the next couple days as time permits.

3. Make phone calls to Get Out the Vote for Owen & Bob on November 2-4, 2024.  For details and to volunteer, contact Sarah at

Help Owen Michaelson, in Edina/Bloomington

Ways to Help Owen:

1. Request a Yard Sign and display in your yard

2. Join the team for a lit        drop on October 19, 2024   Meet at Cornelia Elementary School south parking lot between 1-2 PM.  Literature can be picked up, and you can drop off that day or in the next couple days as time permits.

3. Make phone calls to Get Out the Vote for Owen & Bob on November 2-4, 2024.  For details and to volunteer, contact Sarah at


You want to help, but aren't able to commit to time?  Help us help our conservative candidates. Donate generously to Senate District 50 Republicans. Donation link at

To Donate to Owen Michaelson's Campaign:

To Donate to Bob Gust's Campaign:

Election Judges Still Needed

It is important to have Party Balance at polling places to ensure fair elections.  Bloomington and Minneapolis are still in need of Republican election judges.  If you can help, please contact:

Bloomington: Contact City Clerk, Jamy Hanson at 952-563-4946 or CLICK LINK to Apply

Minneapolis: CLICK LINK to Apply
Protect the Vote:

Volunteer & Train to be a Poll Challenger
We are looking for individuals to help be poll challengers on November 5th. In order to be a poll challenger, one simply has to take a roughly one hour zoom training session.  Help MN Protect the Vote this election.

The dates of the training are:

Tuesday, October 8th at 7PM
Thursday, October 10 at 3PM
Saturday, October 12 at 10AM

Click HERE to register for Poll Challenger Training

Additionally, more will be added in the future.  Contact Shawn Holster  at 612-963-1936 for details on future training.

Get to Know Bob Gust

Bob Gust has produced some videos to get his message out to Bloomington voters.  Please copy and share this video link on social media or share by text with neighbors and friends:
Click HERE for the Bob Gust video 

Join Us!

Oct 12: Meet/Greet & Fundraiser for Bob Gust, Tad Jude & Owen Michaelson
            4-8PM, 3009 W 97th Street, Bloomington.  Hosted by the Sandvigs

Personal Update from Owen Michaelson


We are in the final stage of our campaign.  It is time to vote.  I am proud that Minnesota votes at a higher rate than any other state.  To win, I need every vote, especially yours.  You can vote now, at your convenience, at your city hall M-F during business hours, or on November 5 at your polling place.  Please make sure you vote.

Bloomington is having a referendum on Ranked Choice Voting.  I oppose Rank Choice Voting.  It is needlessly complicated and takes too long.  The person with the most votes should win.

Good Government

We need to go back to the days when Minnesota was a model of good government for all the other states.  Both parties worked together for the common good then.   Our recent one-party government has led Minnesota to ideological extremes.  I promise to work with people from all parties to accomplish our common goals. 

Our children need to be educated so they can be successful.  Reading is the key.  Less than half of Minnesota students read proficiently.  That is totally unacceptable.  The Read Act was a start in addressing that shortfall, but it wasn’t completely funded and left school districts in deficit.  Correcting those shortfalls and continuing to take further steps to improve student’s ability to read is my first priority.

Throwing money at problems is not the answer.  Look at the waste and fraud in the Covid and Feeding our Future programs.  That takes money away from those that really need it.  I will demand proper oversight and accountability.  I will ask for hearings to find ways for our state to work more effectively.  Without accountability, there is no incentive to do things correctly instead of taking the easy way out.

The cost of childcare is an increasing concern for families with young children.  Minnesota has the 4th highest cost of childcare in the nation.  There must be a better balance between oversight and affordability.

We need to stop the DFL Hennepin County Attorney from needlessly putting police officers on trial and releasing criminals who commit more crimes.  We should feel safe.  I support the police.  I will support efforts to recruit and retain good police officers.  We also need to protect the police from frivolous lawsuits when they are doing their jobs properly.

We need to protect our environment.  Climate change is real, but ignoring reality is also foolish.  Renewable energy is part of the answer.  How do we heat our homes in the winter when the sun isn’t shining?  Electric cars are great if they can figure out to get the batteries to work well during Minnesota winters.  I don’t believe in the blanket mandates that have been passed.  I do believe in identifying issues and working to solve those road blocks.

Visit for more info

Edina Sun Current Letter to the Editor in support of Owen Michaelson

Click Here for published link

To the Editor:

I’m excited to endorse Owen Michaelson for Minnesota House Representative. Having known Owen and his family for over 25 years, I can vouch for his commitment, integrity and dedication to our community.

This summer, Owen worked tirelessly, going door-to-door to connect with residents and hear their concerns directly. His hands-on approach reflects his deep commitment to representing us effectively.

Here are a few of the reasons I support Owen:

Education: As a school board member during COVID-19, Owen stood out for his willingness to listen to parents first, rather than strictly adhering to the teacher’s union. His priority was always the best interest of students and families. He’s committed to improving literacy and believes in giving parents a bigger role in their children’s education. He supports local control and practical solutions to boost our schools.

Crime: In public safety, Owen advocates for fully funding law enforcement and effective crime prevention while also supporting fair and restorative justice programs. He understands the balance between keeping our community safe and protecting our freedoms.

Finances: On fiscal issues, Owen wants to keep taxes reasonable and ensure careful spending. He supports issuing refunds from budget surpluses and reestablishing a “rainy day” fund.

His track record of hard work, balanced approach to education and dedication to community safety make him a standout candidate. I urge you to vote for Owen Michaelson for Minnesota House Representative.

Sarah Hage

SD 50 Full Committee Meeting Call Special Guest Speaker, MN National Committeeman AK Kamara

Call to Full Committee Meeting
October 14, 2024
You are officially called to attend a meeting of the Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee on Monday, October 14, 2024. The meeting will be held at the following location: 

9855 West 78th Street, Lower Level Event Center
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
The doors will open at 6:00 PM with the meeting starting at 6:15 PM. 
The purpose of the meeting is to confirm two Executive Committee members: 

Joel Quinnell (Vice-Chair / SD50A)

Zavier Bicott (Vice-Chair / SD50B)

The Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee consists of 

Senate District Officers

Members of the Senate District Executive Committee

Chairs/Co-Chairs (maximum two) of each Precinct within SD50

Members of the Republican State and Third and Fifth Congressional District Executive Committees who reside in SD50

Immediate past Co-Chairs of the Senate District
Featured Speaker is National Committeeman AK Kamara.

Thanks for your support. 

Teri Hovanec (SD50 Co-Chair) and Sarah Knapp (SD50 Co-Chair)

Upcoming Events

Oct 12: Meet/Greet & Fundraiser for Bob Gust, Owen Michaelson & Tad Jude 
            4-8PM, 3009 W 97th Street, Bloomington.  Hosted by the Sandvigs
Oct 14: MN SD 50 GOP Full Committee Meeting, 6:00PM
Oct 19: Literature Distribution & Drops, 1-2PM
            Edina & Blm 50A -Owen Michaelson - Meet at Cornelia School
.            Bloomington 50B - Bob Gust - Meet Mugshots Coffee, 10518 France 
Nov 2-4: Get out the Vote Phone Calls.  Can do from the privacy of your home.       
.              Contact for details & to volunteer.
Dec 5: 


SD 50 Tailgate Party & Chili Cook Off
Chili Cook Off

Chili cook off winners

Over 100 constituents enjoyed a BBQ dinner, live music, campaign speeches and conservative conversation at the first ever SD 50, 51, and 46 joint Tailgate Party & Chili Cook Off.  Congrats to our Chili Cook Off winners, Susan Johnson & Carol Brumwell!

SD 50 On the Road
Royce White Fundraiser At Heritage Estates with special guest Maureen Bannon

Royce White Fundraiser

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