Reclaim MN: Conservative News of the Metro Twin Cities: Issue 2, March 2024 

Published by SD50 Republicans       

In This Issue:

A Note from Our Publishers

Teri's Take - Free Speech

SD50 Republican News - Including Congressional Candidate Links

SD50 Upcoming Events - SD50 Convention April 13, 2024 & Others

Metro Twin Cities Upcoming Events

SD50 on the Road

A Note from our Publishers:

First, we are excited to share the new name of our newsletter - Reclaim MN: Conservative News & Events of the Metro Twins Cities. The name is fitting because it’s simple- as Conservatives, that is what we must do, take back Minnesota. Democrats have taken over our cities and state with their progressive leadership and  legislation. It’s time for all of us, Conservatives and Independents, to band together and take back the state we love.

As Republicans, we need to bring back conservative values, bring to the forefront our state and American historical traditions, and bring back law and order so we all can feel safe and protected in the wonderful state of Minnesota! We need to lessen regulations on businesses, especially small ones that are the foundation of a thriving capitalist society along with the tax burden on both businesses and individuals.  We need to decrease the dependence on welfare and revive the promise of the American Dream.

There is much work to be done but success is imminent if we all work in partnership, together! That starts with communication to ensure that all of us in the SD50  and greater metro community stay informed and empowered to participate in any way we can. 

To that end, in this monthly newsletter, we will do our best to bring you: 

  1. Information on events and speakers hosted by local BPOUS and conservative affiliates and groups from across the metro area, in hopes that YOU will participate and attend. 
  2. The latest Republican Party events including the very important Republican caucuses and conventions.  ** We need participation from ALL Republicans.  You ALL can have a voice!
  3. SD50 specific updates (as we represent SD50 Republicans, however, ALL are welcome to attend our events).
  4. Reader submitted Opinion and News pieces (submissions to will be considered for publication)
  5. SD50 on the Road: Reports and updates gathered at Conservative events throughout the state and beyond.  

We look forward to providing you these updates going forward and most importantly celebrating our successes as we embark on this important journey together! 

All our best, 

Sarah and Cheryl 

Sarah Knapp, Co-Chair & Cheryl Peterson, Secretary

P.S.  We want your ideas and feedback. Please send submissions to be considered for publication to

Teri's Take

A Note from our SD50 Co-Chair, Teri Hovanec

It was less than two days between the time MSNBC/NBC announced that they hired former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel and the moment they caved into the demands of the woke crowd. The democrats are patting themselves on the back for being successful in their silence of someone who disagrees with their narrative. Also, they are shouting from the roof tops that they are “saving democracy” and “stopping the flow of misinformation.” It is moments like this that I am proud to represent the party that not only allows but supports free speech and freedom of opinion.

Stifling open discussion and debate can have significant negative affect by leading to a climate of fear and self-censorship and to a reluctance to share ideas, opinions and concerns. The absence of open discussion and free debate also stifles new ideas and processes. This absence of open discussion and debate can and has undermined the democratic process and leads to the erosion of trust in institutions like the CIA, FBI and DOJ. With censorship, moderation and limiting debate to not only challenge and develop ideas,  our government has become more prone to making decisions that are not in the best interest of the majority.

Open discussion and debate cultivates a sense of community and inclusivity by providing a platform for diverse voices to be heard, valued and accepted without judgement. A forum to have a free exchange of ideas not only enriches individual understanding but also lays the groundwork for more cohesive and resilient communities. So next time, when the democrats brag about 100% of their elected officials vote straight down party lines, understand this is something they should be embarrassed, not proud of. And the next time someone expresses their opinion on Nikki Haley or Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. . . . be thankful that even if you don’t agree, we at least have the ability to make a choice. 

SD50 Republicans News

Seeking: Republican Candidates for MN House Seats

We are currently seeking Republican Candidates for MN House Seats 50A & 50B.  If you or anyone you know are interested in considering a run for office, please contact Sarah Knapp or Teri Hovanec at to discuss and for more information. Deadline for filing for this and other offices up for election are below:

Register for Candidacy Here:

Other Openings & Dates to File for Office:


US Senate (1 seat, Klobuchar seat): Filing Dates: May 21-June 4, 2024

MN State House Representatives (50A & 50B) : Filing dates, May 21 - June 4, 2024


US Congress (All 8 Districts, Portions of CD 3 and 5 are in SD 50): May 21-June 4, 2024


Edina: Mayor & 2 City Council Seats

Bloomington: 4 School Board, and 3 City Council Seats

Advocacy Group for School Board Candidates:  MN Parent's Alliance:


Congressional Candidates

Republican Candidates Declare for Open District 3 Congressional Seat

Four conservatives are reaching out to CD3 Republicans to seek endorsement at the April 27 convention. Potential candidates have up to June 4 to file their candidacy.

Candidates Forum: 

Check out these links for more information on these candidates:
Tad Jude: Jude for Congress
Brad Kohler:
Jamie Page: Jamie Page for United States House of Representatives
Quentin Wittrock: Quentin for Congress

SD50 Voter Registration Efforts

At our recent Precinct Officer Meeting, Sarah Knapp noted that there are over 12,000 un-registered voters in Senate District 50.  Precinct Chairs Christy Lunde and Daniel Anshus volunteered to head up our Voter Registration Drive efforts.  If you would like to assist with these registration drives, please contact  Contact Christy Lunde at for more information. Details will be forthcoming.

TARS: Teen Age Republicans

SD50 is discussing formation of a branch of a Teen Aged Republicans Group (TARS).  This is a great opportunity for High School Students to add leadership experience to their resumes. Contact sarah Knapp at if interested.

Caucus Results

SD50 Republican Caucus was held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at Bloomington Jefferson High School and South View Middle Schools.   We filled the majority of our Precinct Chairs, and have many new delegates and alternates willing to serve our Senate District.  We are still looking for either one or two Precinct Captains for Edina Precincts 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 15; and Bloomington Precincts 7, 9, 12, 18, and 21.  To look up YOUR Precinct CLICK HERE. E-mail to volunteer.

2024 Caucus Straw Poll Results:

Trump Wins SD50 Caucus Straw Poll with 73% of the Votes, Haley Second with 23%

Precinct Chair Training

The SD50 Executive Committee, led by Co-Chair Sarah Knapp held a precinct captain training on March 9, 2024. The training was well attended with both familiar and new faces. In addition to the Precinct Chair training, the participants engaged in an informative discussion on the direction of our party and our SD. Look for future SD50 events that will give all the opportunity to gather, discuss and fortify.  Please reach out to us at if you would like to play a role in the growth and success of your precinct, including serving in one of the open Precinct Chair roles noted above.  

SD 50 Republicans Delegate Nomination Committee

The SD50 delegate nominating committee met on Thursday, March 21, 2024 to nominate Delegates and Alternates to the CD3, CD5, and State COnvention. Attendees included Executive Committee members, precinct captains and delegates. We were very pleased that several first time caucus attendees were present at the meeting and nominated to fill both delegate and alternate spots. If you were unable to attend the meeting and have an interest in serving as delegates, alternates or volunteers at the CD3, CD 5 or MN GOP conventions, please reach out to us at Please note there is limited availability due to allocation limits.

Liz Collin Event:

SD50 combined with SD46 to host Liz Collin at a sold out event on March 11. Liz spoke to a packed house at the Park Tavern Bar & Grill. She shared her experience with the Minneapolis riots and the subsequent injustices to our women and men in blue. If you haven’t yet read the book (They’re Lying) or watched the movie (The Fall of Minneapolis), you are missing out. And if you haven’t yet attended a Liz Collin presentation, we strongly encourage you to. More Information and a link to The Fall of Minneapolis movie HERE

SD50 Republicans Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 13, 2024: SD 50 Republicans Annual Convention

Join us on Saturday, April 23, 2024 for our annual SD 50 Republicans Convention.  At this convention we will hear from Candidates, consider resolutions to the State Party Platform, Elect Delegates & Alternates to Congressional District & State Conventions, and conduct other Party Business.  We invite all Delegates, Alternates and SD50 Constituents to attend.  For registration and more information, CLICK HERE

Saturday, April 27, 2024: Congressional District 3 Convention

Registration begins at 11:00 AM at Wayzata Central Middle School: All Delegates & Alternates elected at the SD 50 Republicans April 13, 2024 Convention to represent SD 50 at the CD3 Convention are invited to attend.  Guests are also welcome to register and attend.  More information & Registration CLICK HERE

Saturday, April 28, 2024: Congressional District 5 Convention

Burroughs Elementary School
1601 W. 50th. St.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

Registration starts at 12:30 pm

All Delegates & Alternates elected at SD 50 April 13, 2024 Convention to represent SD 50 at the CD5 Convention are invited to attend.  Guests are also welcome to register and attend.  For more information CLICK HERE

Wednesday, May 16, 2024: Republican Party State Central Committee Meeting: 

Invited Delegates & Alternates allowed.  Guests of delegates are allowed. If you would like to attend as a guest please contact and we will do our best to get you registered as our guest. 

May 17-18, 2024: MN GOP State Convention

St. Paul River Center 

All Delegates & Alternates elected at SD 50 April 13, 2024 Convention to represent SD 50 at the State Convention are invited to attend.  Guests are also welcome to register and attend.  For more information, including information on hotel blocks, CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 4, 2024: Edina Fourth of July Parade

SD 50 Republicans will again be marching in the Fourth of July Parade.  Last year was a huge success, despite the downpour, and a great way to show Conservatives they are not alone.  This is a FREE event.  Details will be forthcoming, but registration to join us are HERE.

Metro Twin Cities Upcoming Republican Events

MN Senior Republicans : Meetings Second Tuesday of each Month - April 9th Next Meeting

Our monthly meetings are now available to you in both live stream viewing and recorded video viewing. To watch, go to our website, and click on Live Stream or Past Meeting Videos. No registration or fee is required. Watch on your Smart TV, too.

At our Tuesday, April 9 meeting, David Zimmer, former Hennepin County assistant sheriff under Sheriff Rich Stanek and now a fellow at the Center of American Experiment, will discuss "Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System." He will focus efforts on accountability, thereby decreasing victimization in the black community.*

More information at:

MN Young Republicans

MN Young Republicans has launched a Run for Office initiative to Recruit, Train, and Elect Young Republicans at all levels of government. For more information, visit

March 28, 2024: March Happy Hour, Fat Pants Brewing

Center For the American Experiment


Click Here: A Ticking Time Bomb: Minnesota's Vast and Expanding Welfare System


Upcoming Events:

April 2, 2024, Lakeville, MN:Should MN Become A Sanctuary State?

April 11, 2024, Metropolitan Ballroom, Golden Valley:Intersection of Sports, Culture & Politicswith Michele Tafoya & Joe Soucheray

June 6, 2024, Annual Dinner Gala, Center for the American Experimentwith Keynote Speaker Naftali Bennett, who was Israel’s 13th Prime Minister from 2021 to 2022.

Congressional District 3 Republicans

Save the Date!  April 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM: Senate Candidate Panel and Debate

Check back on the CD3 website for more information and required reservations at this link: CLICK HERE

Liberty Tea Party Patriots



Wednesday, April 10, 2024: Public Safety Meeting

Public Safety Meeting 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm at the Southdale Public Library Community Room, 7001 York Avenue. 

City of Edina Engagement Officer Nick Donahue will be presenting an overview of current crime trends in the Greater Southdale Area - including car thefts, trespassing, thefts at both Southdale and the Galleria, mental health issues and panhandling.  School issues will also be discussed - from School Resource Officers (SRO's) to the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.   There will be time for Questions & Answers after the presentation.

SD50 On the Road

CD5 Updates

Teri & Sarah attended the March 2024 CD5 meeting, with guest speaker Anna Matthews.  Some interesting tidbits from her talk:

  • All Republican down-ballot Republican Candidates do BETTER when Donald Trump is on the ticket.
  • The National Delegates from MN will be broken into two groups: Delegates for Donald Trump and Delegates for Nikki Haley, based on the votes received at the Primary.  If she resurrects her campaign, Nikki Haley voters are bound to her for the first vote, and can vote independently after that.  
  • At the National Convention in Milwaukee this year (July 15-18, 2024), they are still accepting applications for National Delegates.  If you would like to be considered, please fill out an application HERE. There will be a zoom call March 25 in the evening as well.  Contact for more information about the call.

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Expert opinion

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