ISSUE 5, september EDITION


SD 50 Republican News

SD 50 Republican Candidate Updates

Metro Twin Cities Upcoming Events - Join Trump Force 47, Republican Seniors,

SD 50 Photos


Need Campaign Signs for your yard?  

Request them HERE! and we will arrange for pick up (preferred) or delivery.

Hann Responds to false media claim

President Donald Trump's  ground game & investments remain strong in MN. Now that Harris' lead has been cut in half since choosing Walz as her running mate, the Democratic ticket's lead in MN is - literally - within the margin of error.


Tad Jude, Bob Gust are both using it. CD3 has it - Ron Eckstam is talking with them about adding messaging on Absentee / early voting education. SwipeRed IS a key method to get OUR voters to the polls with knowledge about our candidates. ATTACHED are the instructions on HOW to download it / set it up. PLEASE do so right now – it doesn’t take long. We need all leaders using it. Call Ron Eckstam 612 508 2004 for 1) questions on setting it up and / or for 2) setting up a Zoom or in person training session for other volunteers helping you with the campaigns. 28 precincts in SD50 * 10 leaders / volunteers per precinct * 25 messages sent over the next 60 days = 7000 ‘touches’ of our voters. More than door knocking / calling. And you can message them in your pajamas.

Download it RIGHT NOW by clicking HERE!!

Join Trump Force 47

Trump Force 47 is the official army of volunteer neighborhood organizers working together to defeat Kamala Harris and the far-left liberal democrats.

Your small time commitment will have a big impact on the outcome of November's elections.

Register to help HERE:

Contact Lauren at for more info



A Note from Owen: 

As I write this newsletter we are approaching Labor Day, the traditional start to campaign season.  I have been working hard since my endorsement.  The purpose of this newsletter is to inform you of what I have been working on and tell you of upcoming events. I have been visiting neighbors in Bloomington and Edina precincts.  My goal is to visit every precinct and as many voters as I can by election day.  If I am to represent our city in the Minnesota House, I need to understand what people think.  I get many questions regarding my time on the Edina School Board.  I was the only member on the School Board that opposed the mandatory closing of schools during Covid.  My opponent supported the closing of schools.  Our kids are still suffering academically and mentally from that closure.   I advocated successfully for reading support programs for our youngest children.  Ability to read is the key to success in school.  Unfortunately, when the legislature approved this program, schools were mandated to implement the program without the money to support it. 

Lawn Signs: I would like to place a lawn sign in the yard of all my supporters.  If I can put one in your yard, send me an email to  Put “Lawn Sign” in the subject line and your name and address in the email.  We will put them in your yard on September 6 or shortly after.  We will collect them after the election.

Edina League of Women’s Voters 50 A Candidate Debate September 10: Please join us at the Edina City Hall at 6:30 pm for a debate between Owen and his opponent.  You will be able to submit questions which will be asked of both candidates.  Help support Owen at the debate and learn why he is the better candidate to be our representative at the Minnesota House. 

Meet Owen: Owen will be available to meet anyone on Saturday mornings at Jerry’s on Vernon.  He will be available on Saturday mornings from 7:45-8:45 am in the restaurant area.  This will be on 9/7, and 9/21.   

SD50 “Tailgate party” and Chili Cook Off Friday September 13: 5:00 pm start at Rosland Park Edina.  Meet Candidates from SD 50, SD46, and SD51.  Owen will be there along with Republican candidates in other races. Share your thoughts with them and enjoy the company of other good Republicans.  Cost is only $10 per person or $25/Family.  Kids 5 and under are FREE.  To sign up go to

Early Voting begins Friday 9/20: You can vote at the Edina or Bloomington City Hall weekdays during office hours beginning Friday 9/20.  Choose a time that is convenient for you, but make sure your vote is counted.  Otherwise vote on Election Day, Tuesday November 5 at your local precinct. 

Visit my Web Site: For more information go to my web site  

Facebook: CLICK HERE

X (Twitter): @Owen4House

Press Release: SD50 GOP Endorses Owen Michaelson


Updates from Bob

Upcoming Events:

Hear Bob at Republican Seniors Meeting - September 10

Bob Gust will be a speaker at the September 10, Republican Seniors Meeting.  Meeting at the Bloomington Events Center, and registration starts at 9:00 AM.  More info visit

Join Bob for Door Knocking & Lit Drop - 2 Dates!

Join Tad Jude & Bob Gust to door knock and drop off literature in Bloomington.  

  1. Tuesday, September 10th from 2:00 - 5:00 PM
  2. Wednesday, September 11th from 12:00 - 3:00

Two dates to choose from, call Jill at 651-248-2300 or e-mail Jill at if you can help.

LWV Candidate Debate: Tuesday, September 18th

Please join Republican endorsed Bob Gust and his opponent at the LWV 50B candidate debate on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at the Bloomington Civic Plaza Council Chambers.  Ask the candidates questions! Submit questions for the candidates to prior to each forum or in writing at the forums.

Pregame to Election Tailgate Party & Chili Cook Off, September 13th

5:00 pm start at Rosland Park in Edina.  Meet Candidates from SD 50, SD46, and SD51.  Bob will be speaking there with Republican candidates in other races. Share your thoughts with them and enjoy the company of other good Republicans.  Cost is only $10 per person or $25/Family.  Kids 5 and under are FREE.  To sign up go to

Republican roundtable video featuring bob gust

Please take a moment to listen to this short video interview for Bob Gust:

Learn more about Bob on his website:

Facebook: CLICK HERE

X (Twitter) @VoteBobGust

Press Release: SD50 GOP Endorses Bob Gust


Dalia Al Aqidi

MN CD5 US Congress

Tad Jude

MN CD 3 US Congress

Royce White

MN US Senate

Website for Dalia Al Aqidi https://www.daliaforcongress.o...

I’m running because we deserve better
Our district is ethnically, religiously, and racially diverse. We should be represented by someone who reaches out to include and listen to everyone. We do not do well with representatives who pit groups against each other, where each group tries to present itself as most worthy of victim status. 

We need leaders who see residents as individuals, with their own dreams for themselves and their children. We need leaders committed to serving all residents, not just the few who share their political tribe.  We need leaders who are more interested in constituents than themselves, who will fight for all communities and hard-working families, rather than slices of the population and foreign influences. We need someone to better reflect our values in Washington.
Meet Dalia at the SD50 Tailgate Party on September 13th!

Website for Tad Jude:


I am committed to reducing regulations, promoting free-market principles, and ensuring a secure border to uphold the safety and prosperity of our nation. 
Together, let's work towards a future where every American has the opportunity to thrive.  

Tad Jude Campaign Swipe Red Training SD35 

September 9, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM CDT More info
What to expect: Meet fellow Republicans & learn about Tad Jude's Relational Plan to reach voters and win the 3rd Congressional District!  

Door knock in Bloomington with Tad Jude & Bob Gust
Sept 10 & 11
  1. Tuesday, September 10th from 2:00 - 5:00 PM
  2. Wednesday, September 11th from 12:00 - 3:00

Call Jill at 651-248-2300 or e-mail Jill at if you can help.

Meet Tad at the SD50 Tailgate Party on September 13th!

Website for Royce White:


My top priorities are the border, debt, and forever wars. The 3 issues are inextricably linked. You can’t have a country without a BORDER… you can’t have a country $36 trillion in DEBT… You also can’t have a border when you defend everyone else’s borders more than your own. These critical issues can be addressed on day 1 of Donald Trump’s presidency. These three issues can drastically change our country and help add value back to American citizenship. That is our ultimate goal to bring value back to your citizenship.

Meet Royce at the SD50 Tailgate Party on September 13th!

Click Here to Register for the Tailgate Party

Thinking of Running for School Board in the future?  Check out this group: Advocacy Group for School Board Candidates:  MN Parent's Alliance:


September 13, 2024:

SD 50, 46 & 51 Joint Pregame to election "Tailgate" Party & Chili Cook-Off

Click Here to Register for the Tailgate Party

Join us for a fun, family friendly evening!

Endorsed conservative candidates attending include:

  • Tad Jude, US House CD3
  • Dalia Al Aqidi, US House CD5
  • Bob Gust, 50B
  • Owen Michaelson, 50A
  • Kim Rich, 46B
  • John Nagel, 46A
  • Lion Dale Johnson, 51A
  • Royce White (awaiting confirmation), US Senate

Enter your best chili recipe for the first ever Metro Chili Cook -Off, that will be judged by our own MN GOP Committeeman AK Kamara & AM 1289 The Patriot host Mitch Berg.  A third "mystery judge" will be announced when we find one!  Let us know if you are interested!

Special Guest, Walter Hudson attending as well.

Musical entertainment provided by Kim Rich, Tom & Tommy Kouchoukos, Joel Quinnel & others.  Bring your lawn chairs and blankets.  Grilled hot dogs & corn provided, and chili!  We will also have some yard signs available for all the candidates (upon availability).

Registration is encouraged for planning purposes. We need to know how many hot dogs to buy!   Price is $10/Person or $25./Family - Kids 5 and under are FREE.

Walk ins and day of registrations are welcome but will be charged $20 per person, $30/Family.  Kids 5 and Under will still be FREE..

Please share this with all interested friends and family!  We want to see a crowd!

Click Here to Register for the Tailgate Party

september 9, 2024



SEPTEMBER 10th Meeting

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month.

At our Tuesday, September 10 meeting, Mark Haveman, Executive Director of the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence, will explain how the billions of dollars of our money Democrats spent in their 2023 budget will impact next year and beyond. 

Candidates speaking include:

  • Wendi Russo, candidate for State Rep (MN House) in 49B, Eden Prairie. Wendi’s website is
  • Bob Gust, candidate for State Rep (MN House) 50B – Western Bloomington, Bob’s website is
  • “Lion” Dale Johnson, candidate for State Rep (MN House) 51B, Eastern Bloomington. 
  • Rep. Kristin Robbins, incumbent State Representative, Assistant Minority Leader, candidate for re-election in District 37A, (western Hennepin County - Maple Grove, Medina, Corcoran, Greenfield, and Maple Plain). Her website is

Our monthly meetings are now available to you in both live stream viewing and recorded video viewing. To watch, go to our website, and click on Live Stream or Past Meeting Videos. No registration or fee is required. Watch on your Smart TV, too.

More information at:



MN Young Republicans has launched a Run for Office initiative to Recruit, Train, and Elect Young Republicans at all levels of government. For more information, visit


September 26th

Join the MNYRs and AFP-MN for Sips and Scripts on September 26th, location TBD!

Connect and network with like-minded individuals while making a difference through impactful phone calls.
Appetizers and the first round of drinks are on AFP-MN.

Minnesota Young Republicans

CD5 Presidential Debate Party  

Scheduled: Sep 10, 2024 7:00 PM CDT 
Location: Cinema Grill, 2749 Winnetka Ave. N., New Hope, MN 55427 
RSVP Here: URL: "> 
Meet like-minded Republicans to watch Kamala Harris and Donald Trump go toe to toe on THE BIG SCREEN! It’s way more fun to watch with friends! 

Word of the Day: Mockingbird Media 

Operation Mockingbird was a covert operation by the CIA to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes during the Cold War. It involved recruiting journalists to write stories favoring the U.S. government's views, influencing public opinion through various media outlets.

More inthe  Background section of the Operation Mockingbird Wikipedia article and WINGSPAN from


SD 50 Pints & Politics Event

RNC 2024 : Republican National Convention

Set, Camera, Action!  Preserve America PAC Commercial Taping